Due to impending bad weather, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be canceled for Thursday, Feb. 6th. We will still have Confessions from 4 to 5 PM.
In addition, the parish office is closed & there will be NO BINGO tonight in the school gym.
Be safe!
This weekend, Feb. 8th and 9th, we will have a second collection for the Poor Missions. This collection helps support many mission churches and organizations in our Black and Native communities, bringing Christ's love to all. Thank you for your generosity.
Applications for the Knights of St. Paul 2025-2026 Education Assistance are now available at school offices of each parochial elementary school in the York Deanery and York Catholic Middle/High School. Completed applications are due to the school by March 14th.
If you would like to receive a record of your parish contributions for last year, please place a self-addressed, stamped envelope in the collection basket, or send it by mail to 2935 Kingston Road, York, PA 17402.
Lee Adams, life skills specialist, will do a presentation that is both personal and educational. All over 50 are welcome to J.O.Y. for any event. The date is First Friday, Feb. 7th, at 9:30 AM in the St. Francis Room. Experience how God can call your inner voice to Him.
Widows and Widowers Just Doing Life Together has its monthly gathering on Monday, Feb. 10th, from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM in the St Francis/St Clare rooms.
Through the Propagation of the Faith Membership Sunday collection, which will be Feb. 1st & 2nd this year, we can offer prayers and financial support for these diocese. Thank you for your generosity.
Next Sunday is the celebration of the Presentation of the Lord, known as Candlemas. He is the light who came into this world to dispel sin and darkness. Parishioners who are interested in having their household candles blessed can bring them to Mass (please keep them with you where you sit): 5 PM Vigil Saturday, Feb. 1st; 7 AM, 9 AM and 11:30 AM Sunday, Feb. 2nd.
February 3rd is the feast day of St. Blaise. He was reputed to have miraculously cured a little boy who nearly died because of a fishbone in his throat. For those who desire, we will have the Blessing of Throats during daily Mass at 6:45 AM and 8 AM Monday, Feb. 3rd.
As we try to keep the sidewalks clear of snow and ice, there will be copious amounts of rock salt scattered. This is a kind reminder that before you enter the church, please try to dislodge as much snow, ice, and especially rock salt, before entering the building. We appreciate the effort!
The Called by Name Campaign is not only an opportunity for us as individuals to be open to God’s calling in our lives. It is also a chance for us to allow God to call others through our invitation. Is there someone you know who may be called to the priesthood or religious life? Help us to encourage them by sharing their name and contact information. Click here to read more!
"In this moment of leadership transition, our communities face challenges and opportunities. Division and dissent often overshadow the respectful dialogue we so desperately need. Yet, unity is not merely an ideal; it is a necessity for the common good of our society. Dr. King once said, 'We must learn to live together as brothers or we will all perish together as fools.'"
A time of Mass and Eucharistic Adoration will be offered on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd, from 12 to 5:30 PM at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. This is an opportunity to pray for an end to abortion and for the dignity and sanctity of human life.
The National March for Life will take place on Friday, Jan. 24th, in Washington, D.C. March for Life attendees are invited to gather as a larger diocesan group outside of the Smithsonian's American History Museum (on the Mall side) between 11:15-11:30 AM. Bus seats are still available; information: www.hbgdiocese.org/event/march-for-life/
On Thursday, Jan. 16th, St. Joseph Parish will dedicate the weekly Eucharistic Adoration to pray for holy Vocations within our parish. Please join us anytime between 8:30 AM to 5 PM to pray before Our Lord for Vocations within our parish and throughout the world. Prayer cards for Vocations will be available in the church.
The Parish Office will be closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday Jan. 20th. The church will be open for Mass and prayer. The office will reopen at 8 AM Tuesday, Jan. 21st.