After 25 years and with much prayer and discernment, we have decided to retire Fan the Fire and move in a new direction.
After working with youth and young adults for so many years, it has become evident that young people are desiring a different way to encounter the Lord. Not a new way, but an old way. The world is a crazy, noisy and scary place, especially for those trying to live their faith. Because of this, many who work with youth are seeing a trend toward the contemplative, prayerful and silent side of our faith. As a Spiritual Director myself, I can attest to how important this is for our youth. This is why I am happy to announce:
This will be an event similar to Fan the Fire but it will be different in terms of tone. It will still be fun, exciting, musical, and inspiring. But it will also be contemplative, silent, and traditional. We will plant many seeds in the youth who attend this event, just like Fan the Fire did for 25 years. But at PAX Christi, we will plant them deeper.
I want to thank Scott Anthony for all the amazing work he did for so long making Fan the Fire the success it always was. I would also like to thank the parishioners of St. Joseph’s in East York for all the years of support they gave to Fan the Fire.
— Christopher Wood,
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries