EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK The York Deanery has provided Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to York Hospital for many years. This ministry provides a support service to the parishes and serves all Catholics confined to the hospital. With the construction of the new UPMC Hospital in West York and the growth of multiple rehabilitation facilities in York, the consideration for expanding our coverage of this ministry needs to be evaluated. Today, most ministers go to the hospital one day a week. The days for coverage are flexible and attempt to ensure that patients receive a visit at least every other day. By doing this, the ministers provide the Catholic Chaplain the ability to focus on providing the sacraments of healing. Every attempt is made to team up ministers each day to keep the number of patients visited manageable. Without question COVID has had its challenges for this ministry. The great news is that this will end and being prepared to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ can expand with your help. If you would like to consider joining this ministry, please let your pastor know and he will contact the Deanery Staff.