In the Divine Mercy Chapel
Thursdays: 4:00-5:00 PM
Saturdays: 3:30-4:30 PM
First Fridays 30 minutes before each daily Mass
(Other times by appointment)
*Watch the bulletin for exceptions.
If you desire to offer context or have a conversation or spiritual direction with a priest in reference to your confession, please make an individual appointment separate from the times listed here, which are intended simply for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Our confessionals are located inside the Divine Mercy Chapel. Confession cards (which include the Act of Contrition and an Examination of Conscience) are available for your use. When coming for confession, please take a laminated number located just inside the chapel. Next to each confessional door is a clear plastic holder where you put your laminated number as it becomes your turn and you enter the confessional. Please deposit your number to the FRONT of the pile so that others will know when they will be next.