Mass is the highest form of prayer and our Parish has a great history of devotion to the Mass and offering a Mass intention for a loved one, living or deceased -- this is a great sign of our love for Christ! For many years, our parish was blessed to have three Capuchin priests who were able to celebrate Mass with the intentions that were requested by our parishioners.
As of now, only two priests are able to celebrate Mass with intentions from our parishioners, which unfortunately limits the number of Mass intentions we are able to receive at the Parish.
According to Canon Law, the law of the Church, the parish is not permitted to accept more offerings for Masses than can be satisfied by the priests assigned to the parish for a given year (Canon No. 953). This means that, unfortunately, since we have one less priest assigned to our parish, we have to limit the number of Mass intentions we receive in a given year.
Due to an overwhelming amount of requests we receive to schedule Mass intentions throughout the year, we must, therefore, enact the following restrictions on Mass intention requests.
Annual Scheduling: Each family can request a maximum of FIVE (5) scheduled Masses for their loved ones on an annual basis. Any additional requests will be left undated, and will be sent to the Capuchin Missions (not said here at SJY).
Intentions for a Recently Deceased Member (or Family Member) of SJY: SJY Mass times will not be scheduled for recently deceased members (or family members) of the parish. A member of the family will be able to schedule up to FIVE of the Masses (for which they receive a Mass card), and the others will be sent to the Capuchin Missions (not said here at SJY).
Thank you for your devotion to the Eucharist, the Mass, and those in need of the highest form of prayer. And thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The 2024 Mass intensions scheduling book will become available September 1st. (As of this writing, there are only 7 Masses available for the duration of this calendar year, 2023. All 7 slots are for 6:45 AM weekday Masses.) All requested intentions that do not get scheduled at SJY will be sent to the Capuchin Missions.