In addition to the Holy Day of Obligation Masses for All Saints Day on Nov. 1st, we will have First Friday confessions and anointings before the 6:45 AM and 8:30 AM Masses that day.
Have you ever heard of the miraculous staircase of the Sisters of the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico? Join us on the First Friday, Nov. 1st, at 9:30 AM in the St. Francis Room.
The women of the parish are invited to join Walking With Purpose on Thursday, Oct. 31st, for a morning of reflection on "Memento Mori: the Saints, All Souls and the Four Last Things." We will be meeting 9:30-11 AM in the St. Francis Room. Food and confessions will be available. Children are welcome.
This year, after much prayer and consideration, the Columbiettes have decided it is time to retire this event as we focus on other avenues of fundraising. As a gesture of our appreciation, we would like to offer our Gingerbread recipe to anyone who would like to make their own cookies. Click here to read more.
Little Bethlehem Christian is a group that represents 200 Christian families who live in Bethlehem the Holy Land, and make their living as wood carvers. After all Masses on Oct. 19th & 20th, the group represented by the Al Sahouri family will display a collection of hand-carved olive wood religious items for sale in St. Francis & St. Clare rooms. The profit goes to support Christianity in the land of Christ. Visit their website at
The Liturgy Planning Committee is preparing for the special celebration on the Feast of All Souls. The Memorial Liturgy for this feast will be at 7 PM on Monday, Nov. 4th. Click here to read more.
All adorers of our Eucharistic Lord in the Good Shepherd Perpetual Adoration Chapel are invited to the 30th Anniversary Celebration of this Chapel on Sunday, Nov. 17th, beginning at 3 PM in Brenner Hall.
On October 7th we mark the one-year anniversary of the tragic attack by Hamas on Israel, where more than 1,200 people, many of them civilians, were killed. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has called for a day of prayer and fasting on that day as we remember these somber events...
"Please join me in prayer that God, who is our refuge and strength, our rock in the midst of the storm, and our light in the darkness, will grant mercy and compassion to those suffering, comfort those grieving, and give courage to those responding."
Please join us in praying for our nation on Saturday, Oct. 12th, at 12 noon. The local Public Square Rosary Rally will take place at the corner of South George Street & College Avenue.