The second collection this weekend is for the Jamaican Mission Team. Every year since 2003, our parish gathers a team to travel to the Diocese of Mandeville to perform various missionary works for one week in January. All donations today will pay for the team’s room and board. Thank you for your generosity.
There will be one Mass at 8:00 AM in the church. The church building will close at 12:00 noon. The Parish Office will close at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, Nov. 27th, and reopen Monday, Dec. 2nd at 8:00 AM.
The second collection this weekend is for the Matthew 25 collection. All monies collected go to support efforts to relieve hunger and provide shelter and clothing to those in need. 25% of your donation stays here in our parish to support our efforts in these important ministries. Those who benefit from your generosity thank you in advance for your support.
On Sunday, Nov. 24th, we will have a Eucharistic Procession for the Solemnity of Christ the King after the 11:30 AM Mass. There will not be Eucharistic Adoration after the Procession. Please join us!
Prepare your heart for the birth of Jesus on Christmas. The Advent Wreath custom is a beautiful way to pray each day during the Advent Season. Advent Candles (12 inch: 3 purple, 1 pink) will be available before and after all Masses Nov. 16th & 17th and again Nov. 23rd & 24th. A $7 donation will be gratefully accepted.
On Thursday, Nov. 21st, (NOT Nov. 17th), the weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will remain in the main church until the 5 PM closing Benediction. We also will have a special schoolwide holy hour at 1:30 PM that day. Thank you for understanding.
Last year, parishioners at St. Joseph's made a real difference for refugees here in York who are fleeing violence and trying to find safety for their families by collecting blankets/comforters for them — many who have never experienced winter weather. Click here to read how you can give again this year!
Are you feeling called to give of your time and talent to St. Joseph’s? Do you want to help welcome your fellow parishioners and visitors to our church? To be the face of Christ? We’re looking for volunteers to answer questions, provide Mass cards, and answer phones. Times available are Sundays: 9 AM until 11 AM & 11 AM until 1 PM, as well as substitutes. Can you help once a month? Please contact Binky for more information.
November is filled with many important celebrations. Every November since 1990 is also when we celebrate Black Catholic History Month, a time of remembering and honoring Black Catholics who have made numerous contributions to our Church, leaving a rich and profound legacy. Read Bishop Senior's full letter here.
The Columbiettes would like to thank all those who submitted a contribution to For the Love of a Veteran in order to have a flag placed at the church. The flags will be placed along the front walkway of the church in alphabetical order by the last name of the veteran from Nov. 9th through 11th. PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to pick up your flag(s), they will be available in the St. Clare Room after each Mass on Nov. 16th and 17th.
The Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree Honor Guard, will be hosting a special Mass and appreciation dinner for Veterans and a guest on Friday, Nov. 8th. Click here to read more and RSVP.
The Box of Joy Gifts program will run from now until Nov. 10th. This program benefits children in third-world countries who may be receiving a Christmas gift for the first time. Click here to read more!