Do you remember the camaraderie, the shared sense of purpose? Navy Veteran Ron Falciano wants former servicemembers who still embrace the sentiments of service and the bonds of friendship by joining American Veterans Honor & Reflective Remembrance (AVHRRC).
After feedback from parishioners, we decided to move the 8 AM Daily Mass back to the main Church, starting Monday, Feb. 26th. Thank you for your patience.
The Parish would like to offer a hospitality service to all families in need at the time of a funeral. Click here to learn more about the funeral luncheon committee.
"As our Jewish ancestors in faith journeyed for forty years in the desert from slavery to freedom, "Lent is the season of grace in which the desert can become once more - in the words of the prophet Hosea - the place of our first love." Read Bishop Senior's Lenten letter by clicking the link above.
"Our prayers go out to all those experiencing a serious or long-term illness. We pray, too, for all those who care for the sick – doctors, nurses, staff and volunteers, chaplains and pastoral caregivers, families and friends – may God use their hands and voices to heal and bring hope." Read the full letter by clicking above.
This year, Ash Wednesday is on February 14th. It is a day of fasting and abstinence. Times for Mass/service include: 6:45 AM Mass; 8:30 AM Mass; 12:10 PM Liturgy of the Word; 5 PM Liturgy of the Word; 7 PM Mass
Homelessness is not an illness or a crime but a harmful, dehumanizing, and yet curable situation. Are you interested in helping our homeless brothers and sisters in the York area move into housing?